In a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability, Kingsley has successfully collaborated with Green Tree India, a project sponsored by ICLEI, to renovate the Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) office building. The project, which commenced with an initial energy audit in 2021, culminated in the comprehensive transformation of the 10-storied building into an energy-efficient model, aligning with the global imperative to combat climate change.

Upgrading RCC Office
Building with Smart Technologies

A key facet of the project involved the conversion of traditional fluorescent lighting systems to energy-efficient LED tube and panel lights. This strategic shift not only significantly reduces energy consumption but also enhances the overall illumination quality within the RCC office building. The upgrade extends to modern ceiling fans, where higher energy-efficient models with a mere 35-watt consumption have replaced conventional alternatives. Moreover, the integration of PIR (Passive Infrared) motion sensors at crucial areas within the building is a noteworthy inclusion. These sensors facilitate the intelligent management of lighting by automatically switching off lights in unoccupied spaces, contributing to substantial energy savings. Simultaneously, the installation of sun-protecting films on the windows' glass surfaces serves as a proactive measure to mitigate heat gain, optimizing the building's thermal performance.

Cultivating a Culture of Sustainability
Kingsley's Holistic Approach

The overarching objective of this initiative extends beyond mere technological upgrades. It encompasses a broader cultural shift towards responsible resource management. Simple yet impactful practices, such as turning off lights when not in use, adjusting air-conditioning temperatures, and adopting water-saving measures, are integral components of this holistic approach. These seemingly minor actions, when embraced collectively, play a pivotal role in advancing the larger agenda of climate change mitigation.

The meticulous execution of the project highlights Kingsley's commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. The company's expertise in energy auditing and efficiency interventions has been instrumental in successfully implementing the project's multifaceted scope of work. The installation of energy-efficient LED lights, low-consumption ceiling fans, and motion sensors collectively contribute to a substantial reduction in the RCC building's overall energy footprint.

The completion of this initiative underscores the synergy achieved through collaboration between private entities, governmental bodies, and international organizations. Kingsley's collaboration with Green Tree India, under the sponsorship of ICLEI, exemplifies how collective efforts can yield tangible results in the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable urban landscape. The transformed RCC office building stands as a beacon of innovation, embodying the principles of energy efficiency, technological advancement, and environmental responsibility. This project not only serves as a model for future endeavors but also reinforces the critical role that conscientious urban planning and resource utilization play in the broader context of global sustainability.

Kingsley started the initial energy auditing in 2021 and later on step by step, all the works were completed. The whole 10-story building is covered with window film to reduce energy consumption. All the existing 40W & 20W FTL Tube-Lights are replaced with 22W & 10W LED Tube-Light and 80W ceiling fans are replaced with energy-efficient fans with low energy consumption (35W). Motion sensors have been installed by Kingsley in the lobby and corridor area to reduce energy consumption.

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