KINGSLEY, a leading company in environmental protection services in Bangladesh, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as a Technological Associate with QStone Capital, as a Business Associate and with Lenntech Water Treatment Solutions, as a Technology Partner, to jointly develop a Circular Wastewater Management System incorporating Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technologies in Bangladesh. The goal of this collaboration is to develop sustainable environmental protection solutions through the implementation or promotion of ZLD technologies in Bangladesh.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
in the context of Bangladesh

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technologies stand as a groundbreaking solution in the realm of wastewater treatment, presenting an innovative approach that strives for the elimination of liquid discharge from industrial processes. The overarching goal of ZLD is to recover and reuse water, along with valuable resources like salts and metals, from wastewater, all the while minimizing the release of pollutants into the environment. In the context of Bangladesh, where industrial development is burgeoning, the Circular Wastewater Management System emerges as a transformative initiative. This system, integrating ZLD technologies, is strategically designed to propel sustainable industrial development in the country while concurrently addressing the pressing issues of water scarcity and pollution. Bangladesh, like many nations, deals with the challenges of growing industrialization impacting water resources, and the Circular Wastewater Management System aims to be a beacon of sustainable practices. This innovative system holds the promise of revolutionizing the industrial landscape by empowering industries to treat and reuse wastewater directly on-site. By doing so, it facilitates a substantial reduction in water consumption and discharge. Moreover, as industries adopt this Circular Wastewater Management System, there is a simultaneous improvement in their overall environmental performance, as the cycle of resource recovery and reuse minimizes the ecological footprint associated with industrial processes.

Strategic Collaboration for
Sustainable Environmental Solutions in Bangladesh

“We are delighted to join forces with QStone and Lenntech to develop sustainable environmental protection solutions in Bangladesh,” mentioned by Md. Asiqur Rahman, CEO of Kingsley. “This collaboration reflects our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and responsible environmental stewardship”- he added. In the session, Ms. Rucksar Tabassum, Project Developer & Spokesperson of QStone & Lenntech, Kingsley high officials – Mr. Sukumar Dhali – COO, Mr. Rajib Ul Haque – CTO & Mr. Kazi Mohiuddin Jilany, CBO were also present.

The MoU signing marks an important step towards the development of sustainable industrial practices in Bangladesh and highlights the potential for ZLD technologies to play a significant role in addressing the country’s water and environmental challenges. Kingsley ESC, QStone Capital, & Lenntech Water Treatment Solutions are committed to working together to deliver high-quality, innovative, and sustainable solutions for wastewater treatment and management.

Technology for a
Sustainable Future

Kingsley™ focuses on long term & sustainable future with a reliable technology.

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