Iron Removal Filter (IRF) Plant

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KINGSLEY™ offers the Iron Removal Filter (IRF) solution by a cylinder built using ferrocement construction techniques. Inside, from top to bottom order, is a plastic basin full of charcoal, a layer of gravel, and an empty space for sedimentation. The media size is not critical, but if the grains are too fine (less than about 1mm diameter) the filter clogs very quickly.

Water Treatment Plant In Bangladesh | Iron removal filter Installed by Kingsley at J&J International Holdings


  • The water treatment plant in Bangladesh is essential for industries to ensure access to safe drinking water. In this model, the water to be treated is assumed to be from a hand pump spout. The water first passes through the charcoal, aerating it, then flows to the space at the bottom where sedimentation of the precipitated iron occurs. This process is crucial for removing impurities from the water. The filtered water then passes through gravel for further filtration, accumulating the finished water above the gravel filter. This elevation enables users to draw it quickly.
  • Iron filter plants are versatile and can be used for various applications such as de-chlorination of water, process water reuse, seawater filtration, percolate filtration, and final filtration of industrial or municipal wastewater. If you are looking for a reliable water treatment plant in Bangladesh, consider investing in an iron filter plant.

Water Softener Plant (WSP)

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KINGSLEY™'s hard water softener is an appliance that uses sodium chloride, also known as salt, to treat hard water. In water softening process the water supply passes through the water softener over resin beds, rows of resin beads perform an ion-exchange.

Water softener plant-water treatment plant in bangladesh

Demineralized (DM) Plant

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KINGSLEY™'s Demineralized Water System produces mineral free Water by operating on the principles of ion exchange, Degasification, and polishing. Demineralized Water System finds wide application in the field of steam, power, process, and cooling.

Demineralized (DM) Plant water treatment plant in bangladesh .jpg

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant

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In Bangladesh, reverse osmosis (RO) is an effective water treatment process utilizing a partially permeable membrane to eliminate ions, unwanted molecules, and larger particles from drinking water. In the context of water treatment plant in Bangladesh, reverse osmosis involves applying external pressure to reverse the natural flow of pure solvent, effectively purifying drinking water. Water scarcity is a significant concern in Bangladesh, making advanced water treatment methods like reverse osmosis crucial for ensuring clean & safe drinking water.

The application of reverse osmosis in Bangladesh addresses contaminants' specific challenges, delivering high-quality drinking water. With a focus on sustainable water management, the implementation of reverse osmosis technology contributes to Bangladesh's efforts in achieving water security. Reverse osmosis systems are vital in improving public health by providing access to purified water addressing Bangladesh's unique water treatment needs.

Water Treatment Plant in Bangladesh

Technology for a
Sustainable Future

Kingsley™ focuses on long term & sustainable future with a reliable technology.